Digital Transformation for Corporate Events with AI & Photography


Every company is talking about Digital Transformation at their events, but rarely it’s shown, and this does not impress their attendees.

As far as I can remember in my corporate years, there has been always Company Events, either those events were for employees, partners and most importantly for our clients.

There has been always a motto on these events, or a headline summarizing the companies’ offerings as well their approach to the future.

The current “Cognitive ERA” comes with “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) and for the last three years this has been the hot topic for all technology companies.

Well if you would go to those events, you will see and hear all about their unique approach and how they embrace it with their solutions.

Now the big question is: Does is really resonate with the attendees?

The answer is clear: No!

It’s been over 20 years digital photography came into our life and even so last five years even got into our pockets thanks to the groundbreaking technology developments on the mobile phone market.

What is really hard to understand is, that at those events the photography is still the old story for the last 20 years. How come that despite all the technology advance, we still have a few photographers running around and 1000+ taking pictures, which we mostly don’t know where they go and don’t know how to get. If you are lucky then may be a photo you were in will be posted company’s Instagram or LinkedIn page, which you will only see if you follow them.

Yes, I’ve been to several events where the photographer had a fast printer attached to their belt and could print your photo for you and attach it to a special event related custom prepared magnet photo frame with tons of logos on them.

Wow, this is memory I won’t forget, or will you?

Remember at that event 1000+ photos were taken, and you only have access to one hard copy of it. That’s not my understanding of Digital Transformation.

Meet Photier: Digital Transformation at your Events

Now imagine; when you come to event registration desk, you will be handed over a QR Code for this event photos with your attendee badge.

You download the ultralight (a few megabytes) Photier application to your mobile phone and start the app. It asks you to take a nice selfie of yourself and scan the QR code with the app. This is it! You are all set and can go and enjoy the event.

Suddenly you get a notification from the app, “Four pictures of you were taken at this event!”

While wondering, how, when; you start the app and miraculously see the photos that you are in. You can now save these pictures on your phone or even share on your social accounts as you desire, or you can choose to take action later.

Wow this is impressive…

How is this possible?

Photier uses innovative Artificial Intelligence powered face recognition technology to pinpoint individuals on photos. Remember the selfie you took, Photier takes this photo and feeds it into their AI framework, which then can uniquely identify you on any photo.

It doesn’t matter if you are the only one on the photo or you are just a head within a hundred people crowded area. Photier can identify you within even thousands of people.

As Photier official statement: “It’s easy, entertaining, and secure

But the photos were taken by professional photographers? Well the photos they have taken will be uploaded to the secure event photo archive within seconds thanks to Photier picture optimization tool and the rest is done by AI.

Event holders can now instantly distribute all the photos from the event using Photier service.

The best part is, you don’t have to chase those photos during the event, these photos are always accessible to you, even after the event at the app; so no need to worry.

Photier also offers additional services to increase attendee experience such as wireless printing services for your visitors, who like to print their photos during their coffee breaks.

To be honest, this an experience not to forget and this is what I call Digital Transformation.

So, as I find myself telling my clients over and over again: “With the new technologies you need new habits to produce new results!“.

Today we are proud to announce that Photier and InfinitySmiths have formed partnership for transforming the corporate events for our clients.

If you want to know more, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] at any time.